" Clients - Clouttery


Clouttery clients log and synchronize battery information, and display notifications about the battery status of the devices in the user's account. A client should be installed on every device one wishes to monitor.

Currently, there are clients for Android devices, Windows computers and Chrome (both the browser and Chrome OS). Clients for more platforms are being worked on.

Windows client

The Windows client is compatible with Windows 7 and above. The setup is fairly straightforward:

  • Download the setup file;
  • Agree to every security prompt;
  • Once a window with title "Pair with an account" appears and displays "Clouttery was successfully installed" (among other text), simply follow the instructions to complete the setup process.

The Windows client automatically keeps itself up-to-date.

Android client

The Android client is compatible with Android 4.0.3 and above. It is available on Google Play:

Get it on Google Play

After installing Clouttery, ensure your device is connected to the internet and open the app. After a few seconds, a message containing "Clouttery was successfully installed" should appear. Follow the instructions to pair the app with your account.

Chrome extension

You can install the extension from the Chrome Web Store:

Android, Chrome, Chrome OS, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc.